NCEA Level 3 Physics

Level 3 Physics is one of the subjects I spend the most time on with my students. There is a lot of content this year and most of which are quite complicated. The mechanics paper requires a lot of abstract thinking while the electricity paper requires a lot of memorisation of difficult concepts. Tutoring and lots of self study is recommended, instead of relying solely on learning during school hours.

Tutoring this year will be focused on thorough explanations of the theories and getting to know the exam questions. This is not a subject students will want to cram last minute. Get in touch to organise tutoring for this year.


91521 Carry out a practical investigation to test a physics theory relating two variables in a non-linear relationship (4 credits)
91525 Demonstrate understanding of Modern Physics (3 credits)


91523 Demonstrate understanding of wave systems (4 credits)
91524 Demonstrate understanding of mechanical systems (6 credits)
91526 Demonstrate understanding of electrical systems (6 credits)